The paving method of conductive ground network of surface conductive-type anti-static ceramic tile 面导电型防静电瓷砖导电地网的铺设
For square or rectangular conductive bodies with top surface parallel to the ground, the results show two dimensional ( 2D) behaviour. 方形和矩形导电体的感应具有二维(2D)特征,其感应曲线可用来估计导体的埋深和范围。
A Conductive Paint for Electric Power System Ground Net 电力系统接地网导电涂料的研究
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional stability analyses under pressure on top surface of slope For square or rectangular conductive bodies with top surface parallel to the ground, the results show two dimensional ( 2D) behaviour. 坡顶压力下边坡的二维与三维稳定分析(英文)方形和矩形导电体的感应具有二维(2D)特征,其感应曲线可用来估计导体的埋深和范围。
Formulation of audio frequency electromagnetic fields of conductive and permeable sphere embeded in a layered ground are derived in a different way to previous authors. 本文在前人基础上,从理论计算角度研究了两层大地下球形导电体的偶极激发音频电磁场。
Analyzing such a conductive mechanism will be beneficial to provide a theoretical ground for formulation and implementation of a policy. 对这个机制的分析,有助于为政策的制定和执行提供理论参考。
Comparisons between this method and Carson Formula are carried out, and the result shows these two approaches disagree in some frequency-range and/ or in case of poor conductive ground plane. 文章比较分析了两种算法的仿真结果,发现在超过一定频率范围或在传导性很差的地平面上,或者两种情况同时存在时,两种算法差异较大。
The static electronic conductive water polished stone floor utilize connection of the galvanized iron wire net with the earth net to conduct the static electricity to the ground to avoid explosion caused by the electric spark. 导静电水磨石地面利用水磨石地面基层内镀锌铁丝网与接地网连接,将生产活动过程中产生的静电传入大地,避免电火花而产生爆炸;